
‘The Stew of Life’ requires ingredients just like any other stew: Tomatoes, Pepper, Salt, Onions, Oil, Chicken, Meat and/or Fish, Spices, Fire and a Pot.

The tomatoes which cannot rot is your education. You must learn beyond the classroom by integrating the information your teachers provide with what is going on in society. Learning does not occur in a vacuum thus you must relate school studies to daily living.

The Pepper is your family, friends and community. They will guide you and remind you when you have mis-stepped. Too much pepper leads to discomfort so having just the right amount shall enhance the flavour of your life.

Salt is important to our health because it regulates bodily functions and maintains fluid balance. It is found in our blood, sweat, tears and semen. When there is too little salt we suffer from cramps, nausea, vomiting and dizziness whilst too much can result in high blood pressure which can lead to heart attacks, kidney ailments, strokes and dementia. Strive to balance your life activities thus you can maintain a healthy life style: psychologically, physically, emotionally and socially.

The Onions symbolise the challenges you shall encounter whether in school, university or as a working adult. Please remember these moments can alter the course of your life for better or worse based on the decisions you make. Look at challenges as a learning experience and know they too add flavour to life.

The Oil serves as the base which makes it possible for the synergy of the learning experience, support of your family, friends and community, along with your well-being and the life challenges you experience. Your viability is based on your education and social consciousness as such you must remember to balance all ingredients.

The Meat, Chicken and/or Fish in a pot of stew is the result of the ability to provide for yourself financially. Dream of a future of abundance, seize all opportunities presented to learn and experience life, aspire for greatness then you can enjoy the benefits of your hard work in the ‘Stew of life’. Remember to be a valued and respected members of society who shall support others in becoming better citizens.

The Spices require you think creatively about what you can do to improve your personal life as well as contribute to society. Everything you learn today is the base for what you shall experience or learn tomorrow. Become life-long learners who seek more for themselves and others.

The Fire is your passion for life. Live with a purpose and be driven to use your life as a vehicle to making a difference for others as well as achieving goals. Be compassionate towards other and respect all regardless of their religious, ethnic, socio-economic or physiological differences. Start now to identify why you were born and your personal work to society. Work is more than earning money. Work is joy and a sense of commitment to yourself and society. This begins with expanding your knowledge base academically and socially whilst instilling the importance of innovation and dynamism, and the belief in your individual abilities and destiny.

The Pot is the vessel which allows you to place in it all the ingredients you need, thus you can prepare the ‘Stew of Life.’ It allows you to heighten your learning experience and community involvement by creating an awareness of your responsibility to yourselves, family, community, state and nation. Each of us must prepare the right ‘Stew of Life’ to ensure we do not live a life of regrets rather a legacy of wholesome deeds and abundance. You want a ‘Stew of Life’ you can enjoy every day with as much meat, chicken and/or fish as you desire because you are living abundantly having taken the time to understand the ingredients necessary for a fulfilling life.


© 2018 – Dr. Ama Onyerinma

Live Abundantly!®  Empowerment Initiative