The Live Abundantly!® Scholarship programme is a symbol of our pledge to supporting children whose education has been disrupted due to poverty or physiological differences. It is a vital component of our mission to invest in the community and promote positive social change.™
Since 2018, we have supported the education of a distinct group of children through the payment of school and/or examination fees as well as offering specialised educational support because we believe these children will transform their lives and impact their families and the community. The selected children range in age from five to seventeen years of age and are matriculated in kindergarten through secondary school.
For parents, guardians and members of society, the education of children is crucial for sustainability and development. It is an investment which guarantees societal progress and economic growth. It is a well-known fact that educated citizens can effectively and efficiently participate in affairs of the society to ensure civility, productivity and inclusivity of all.
Along this line, Live Abundantly!® has also supported activities at special schools for children with physiological difference as a recognition of their inherent potential to contribute to society as well as to acknowledge their rights to education and all opportunities available to all young citizens. The gift of education and skills acquisition is invaluable hence the importance of literacy and social awareness in the society irrespective of an individual’s socio-economic background.
Currently, the Live Abundantly!® Scholarship is supported through our Mindful Giving Changes Lives® by generous contributions of well-meaning individuals and corporations interested in the education of children who would otherwise be relegated to a life of despair and shunned by society. These children generally fall prey to child labour, child marriages, violence, human trafficking, irregular migration, organ harvesting, begging and other deplorable human activities initiated by predators.
Live Abundantly!® aspires to extend the programme and secure long-term funding from national and international organisations committed to advancing the rights of children to education, health and security in emerging countries.
We invite individuals and organisations to join us through our Mindful Giving Changes Lives® campaign which awards scholarships and hosts social education awareness presentations at state schools to make a difference in the lives of children by supporting their education, their future and our collective future as a whole.
Supporting our Special Children